Arabic Calligraphy for Dummies...

The Art of Writing. Overview of Arabic Calligraphy (in Dutch)

Sofar, I haven't been able to inverstigate or study much about the Arabic language or script. Most of it I know I heard from Naji, Hisham or Huda.

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But today I found a nice little book on Arabic calligraphy that explains – at least to me – some essential basics about its history, variations, use and structure. It's not that I can read or write any Arabic after reading this book. But I got the general idea and that is a big step.
It covers the Arabic language, the structure of Arabic, the Arabic script, the historical development of the Arbic script, , Arabic calligraphy, distinctive applications of the script, Arabic print art and modern developments. As far as the last concerns, the book is published in 1986, so that information is somewhat outdated. Nevertheless, this could be an excellent entry level informative book for guys like me. Unfortunately the book is published in the Netherlands in Dutch and is out of print. You might find it by accident in an antiques bookstore.

Max Kisman, 22 may 2009.

P.S. If really necessary, I could scan it for those urgently interested....


ISBN 9063301243 (Hiwar)
De kunst van het schrijven.
Overzicht van de Arabische kalligrafie.
Door Arnoud Vrolijk.
Uitgeverij Hiwar, april 1986, oplage 3070 ex., 44 pag. 20,5 x 20,5. prijs fl. 10,00 (na BTW-verhoging fl 10,10). Niet meer leverbaar.