A. Book
[1] Hajhashemi, K. (2012). Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Reading Proficiency: A descriptive and ex post facto study. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
[2] Akef, K., & Hajhashemi, K. (2012). A Model for Developing Rating Scale Descriptors: Assessing EFL writing process. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
[3] Akef, K., & Hajhashemi, K. (2012). Validation of High School Tests: Teaching Syllabus vs. Testing Procedures. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
B. Scholarly Book Chapters
[1] Hajhashemi, K., & Caltabiano, N. (2018). Blended learning: Uncovering challenges in implementing online videos in higher education. In T. Siew Fun & S. E. Cheah (Eds.), Redesigning Learning for Greater Social Impact (pp. 113-118). Singapore: Springer.
C. Refereed Journal Articles:
[1] Park, J., Caltabiano, N. J., & Hajhashemi, K. (2019). The role of user demographics, self-efficacy and interpersonal competence on communication style preferences. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 29(2), 41-52.
[2] Hajhashemi, K., Caltabiano, N., Anderson, N., & Tabibzadeh, S. A. (2018). Students’ multiple intelligences in video-assisted learning environments. Journal of Computers in Education (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 5, 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s40692-018-0107-z
[3] Hajhashemi, K., Caltabiano, N., & Anderson, N. (2018). Lecturers’ perceptions and experience of integrating online videos in higher education. Australian Educational Computing, 33(1), 1-24.
[4] Hajhashemi, K., Caltabiano, N., Anderson, N., & Tabibzadeh, S. A. (2018). Multiple Intelligences, Motivations and Learning Experience Regarding Video-Assisted Subjects in a Rural University. International Journal of Instruction, 11(1), 167-182. doi: 10.12973/iji.2018.11112a
[5] Shakarami, A., Hajhashemi, K., & Caltabiano, N. J. (2017). Compensation Still Matters: Language Learning Strategies in the Third Millennium ESL Learners. Online Learning, 21(3), 235-250. doi: 10.24059/olj.v21i3.1055
[6] Hajhashemi, K., Caltabiano, N., & Anderson, N. (2017). Net-Geners’ perceptions of engagement through online videos. Journal of Computers in Education (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 4(3), 321–337. doi: 10.1007/s40692-017-0084-7
[7] Hajhashemi, K., Anderson, N., Jackson, C., & Caltabiano, N. (2017). Online learning: Increasing learning opportunities. International E-Journal of Advances in Education (IJAEDU), 3(7), 184-189. doi: 10.18768/ijaedu.317638
[8] Hajhashemi, K., Caltabiano, N., & Anderson, N. (2016). Integrating digital technologies in the classroom: Lecturers’ views on flipped classroom approach. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 26(3), 18-29.
[9] Hajhashemi, K., Caltabiano, N., & Anderson, N. (2016). Students’ perceptions and experiences towards the educational value of online videos. Australian Educational Computing, 31(2), 1-17.
[10] Shakarami, A., Hajhashemi, K., & Caltabiano, N. (2016). Digital discourse markers in an ESL learning setting: The case of socialisation forums. International Journal of Instruction, 9(2), 167-182. doi: 10.12973/iji.2016.9212a
[11] Lovisotto, R., Caltabiano, N., & Hajhashemi, K. (2015). Parental stress, affective symptoms and marital satisfaction in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(10), 30-38.
[12] Ganzer, J., Caltabiano, N. J., & Hajhashemi, K. (2015). Time Perspective, Hope, and Learning Strategy among Rural Australian University Students. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 10(4), 1-10. doi: 10.9734/BJESBS/2015/19449
[13] Anderson, N., Timms, C., & Hajhashemi, K. (2014). Improving online learning through the use of design thinking (Translated into Chinese by Junhong Xiao). Distance Education in China, 9, 5-12. doi: 10.13541/j.cnki.chinade.2014.09.002
[14] Shakarami, a., Khajehei, H., & Hajhashemi, K. (2014). Tech-Assisted Language Learning Tasks in an EFL Setting: Use of Hand phone Recording Feature. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 3(5), 100-104. doi: 10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.3n.5p. 100
[15] Anderson, N., Courtney, L., Zee, R., & Hajhashemi, K. (2014). Addressing the falling interest in school science in rural and remote areas using experiments and science fairs. World Applied Science Journal (WASJ), 30(12), 1839-1851. doi: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.30.12. 2776
[16] Yazdi-Amirkhiz, S. Y., Abu Bakar, K., & Hajhashemi, K. (2014). The use of personal pronouns: A comparison between Iranian and Malaysian dyads. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 3(1), 245-248. doi: 10.7575/aiac.ijalel. v.3n.1p.245
[17] Hajhashemi, K., Anderson, N., & Shakarami, A. (2013). Network affordances through online learning: Increasing use and complexity. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences journal, 106, 1900-1904. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.216
[18] Hajhashemi, K., Shakarami, A., Anderson, N., Yazdi-Amirkhiz, S. Y., & Zou, W. (2013). Relations between Language Learning Strategies, Language Proficiency and Multiple Intelligences. Academic Research International, 4(6), 418-429.
[19] Anderson, N., & Hajhashemi, K. (2013). Online learning: From a specialized distance education paradigm to a ubiquitous element of contemporary education. IEEE, 2(13), 91-94. doi: 10.1109/ICELET.2013.6681652
[20] Shakarami, A., Khajehei, H., & Hajhashemi, K. (2013). Digital Self-Efficacy and Language Learning Enhancement in an Online Setting. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR), 3(11), 80-84.
[21] Zou, W., Anderson, N., Sorin, R., & Hajhashemi, K. (2013). A contextual understanding of Mainland Chinese parent involvement in their children’s primary school years’ education. Journal of Asian Critical Education, 2, 54-68.
[22] Hajhashemi, K., Akef, K., & Anderson, N. (2012). The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Reading Proficiency of Iranian EFL Students. World Applied Science Journal (WASJ), 19(10), 1475-1483. doi: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2012.19.10.3134
[23] Yazdi Amirkhiz, S. Y., Bakar, K. A., Baki, R., Samad, A. A., & Hajhashemi, K. (2012). A brief review of theoretical underpinning, definitions and typical configurations of collaborative writing. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(4), 197-204. doi: 10.7575/ijalel.v.1n.4p.197
[24] Hajhashemi, K., & Wong, B. E. (2012). MI as a predictor of students’ performance in reading competency. English Language Teaching, 5(3), 240-251. doi: 10.5539/elt.v5n3p240
[25] Hajhashemi, K., Yazdi Amirkhiz, S. Y., & Parasteh Ghombavani, F. (2011). The Relationship between Iranian EFL high school students’ multiple intelligence scores and their use of learning strategies. English Language Teaching, 4(3), 214-222. doi: 10.5539/elt.v4n3p214
[26] Hajhashemi, K., & Wong, B. E. (2010). A Validation Study of the Persian Version of Mckenzie's (1999) Multiple Intelligences Inventory to Measure MI Profiles of Pre-University Students. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), 18(2), 343-355.
D. Refereed Conference Papers Published in Full
[1] Hajhashemi, K., Anderson, N. & Caltabiano, N. (2014, November 3rd ). Tech that teaches: The potential of videos to enhance learning and teaching in Higher Education. Poster presented at the FAESS annual meeting: Reimaging Frontiers in Teaching and Learning, Research and Engagement, Townsville, Australia.
[2] Hajhashemi, K., Anderson, N., Jackson, C., & Caltabiano, N. (2014). Online Learning: Increasing Learning Opportunities. International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (INTCESS 14), 3-5 February, 2014 (pp. 239-246), Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-64453-0-9
[3] Hajhashemi, K., Anderson, N., & Shakarami, A. (2013). Network affordances through online learning: Increasing use and complexity. Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Volume 2/3 (pp. 185-190), 25-27 June, 2013, Rome, Italy. ISSN: 2146-7358
E. Published Abstracts:
[1] Hajhashemi, K., & Caltabiano, N. (2016). Blended learning: Uncovering challenges in implementing online videos in higher education. Conference Proceedings of the Taylor’s 9th Teaching and Learning Conference (TTLC2016), 12-13 November 2016 (p. 20), Subang Jaya, Malaysia.
[2] Hajhashemi, K., Anderson, N., Jackson, C., & Caltabiano, N. (2015). Online Learning: Can videos enhance Learning? Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology (ICEMST 2015), 23-26 April 2015 (p. 64), Antalya, Turkey.
[3] Hajhashemi, K., Anderson, N., Jackson, C., & Caltabiano, N. (2015). Integrating Technology in the Classroom: Lecturers’ views on flipped classroom approach. Conference Proceedings of the 15th International Academic Conference (IISES 2015), 14-17 April 2015 (p. 425), Rome, Italy.
[4] Anderson, N., & Hajhashemi, K. (2013). Online Learning: From a specialized distance education paradigm to a ubiquitous element of contemporary education. Conference Proceedings of the 7th National and the 4th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching (ICELET 2013), 13-14 February (p. 51), Shiraz, Iran.
[5] Akef, K., & Hajhashemi, K. (2012). Evaluation of Iranian EFL students' performance at different stages of writing process. Conference Proceedings of the 9th Malaysian International Conference on English Language Teaching (MICELT), 8-10 October (p. 47), Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
[6] Hajhashemi, K., & Moharrer, Z. (2009). The Effect of Luri Dialect and Culture on TV Programs in Iran. Conference Proceedings of the 7th Biennial PACA Conference, 10-12 January (p. 98), Selangor, Malaysia.
F. Conference & Poster Presentations:
[1] 12-13 November 2016 the Taylor’s 9th Teaching and Learning Conference (TTLC2016), Subang Jaya, Malaysia
[2] 23-26 April 2015 International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology (ICEMST 2015), Antalya, Turkey
[3] 14-17 April 2015 15th International Academic Conference (IISES 2015), Rome, Italy
[4] 3 November 2014 FAESS annual meeting: Reimaging Frontiers in Teaching and Learning, Research and Engagement, Townsville, Australia
[5] 3-5 February 2014 International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (INTCESS 14), Istanbul, Turkey
[6] 25-27 June 2013 International conference on new horizons in education (INTE), Rome, Italy
[7] 13-14 February 2013 The 7th National and the 4th International Conference on e-Learning and e-Teaching, Shiraz, Iran
[8] 8-10 October 2012 The 9th Malaysian International Conference on English Language Teaching (MICELT), Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
[9] 18 -20 September 2011 International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT), Damai Laut Perak, Malaysia
[10] 12-13November 2009 1st International Education Conference (INEC), Putrajaya, Malaysia.
[11] 10-11November 2009 International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT), Melaka, Malaysia.
[12] 22-26 June 2009 14th International Conference on Thinking (ICOT), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[13] 10-12 January 2009 7th Biennial Conference of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association (PACA), Selangor, Malaysia.