Image: Omid Hamooni
Analysis and Studay of Persian Letters | تحلیل و…
Learn more at: http://www.khtt.net/page/32725/en www.facebook.com/persianletters www.omidhamooni.com
khaled-ramadan-1.jpg - Khaled Ramadan. Still from his video ' '
Born in Beirut in 1965, he is a curator, video documentary maker and a lecturer in new media aesthetics. His fields of specialties are visual culture aesthetics, multi-media studies and the history of cross culture visual art and culture. He is a lecturer at the department of Art History, University of Copenhagen. He was also an associated guest Professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, where he taught critical theory and experimental documentary making in 2006. He is the curator of the Coding-Decoding documentary festival, Copenhagen 2006, “Not on satellite - video and experimental documentary - at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía”, Madrid 2007. He is also part of the official jury of the AMAL Arab film festival, Spain 2007. He is the founder of Chamber of Public Secrets and the independent institute, Chamber for Interventional Media – institute for electronic, didactic and analytical art (www.chamberarchive.com and www.chamber.dk)