In the visual arts we frequently run into circles where we find ourselves looking back to the past
for inspiration and the regeneration of creative energies. History does not necessarily repeat
itself in the same way, but rather repeats itself with variations and remixes of old themes in a
new grab.
Excerpt from "Origins and Encounters" by Huda Abi Fares
The mysterious bond between the forms of the letters and their meanings.
Based on this concept, I linked the forms of the letters and the meaning of traditional egyptian
expressions, by using actual objects and real elements, to create physical typography. The
bond between the forms of the letters and their meaning becomes three dimensional, and
stronger. It is a sort of materialization of metaphoric expressions. The beauty of the meaning
emerges, and becomes more tangible, the mysterious space between the meaning and the
form disappears.
Our culture is alive and constantly changing through generations.