The play,” We, the Scattered Group”, is the second product of Popular Theater Group (PTG) in “Drama in Education” project and it is synthesis of the most imperative topics of Civics and Life Skills textbooks at Iran secondary schools.
Our main points in the play are to train personal and social skills to students; to seek new ways of using theater as a powerful tool to activate and educate audiences; to criticize old educational system not by analyzing it for audiences (students, teachers and headmasters) but by proposing new and practical methods which are highly entertaining for them.
The play is based on brainstorming and constructive dialogues with the audience on: interaction between human being and society, law and legislation, participation in social activities, social responsibilities, communicative styles….
We have used movement and music, puppet, improvisation, the happy rite called “Mire Norozi” in the performance.
Unfortunately, we seldom experience team working and being in collaborative environments, and progressive education and Paulo Freire’s educational theory are unknown at our schools. For this reason , PTG used participatory theater such as Augusto Boal ‘s legislative Theater so that the students are encouraged to listen, think, speak ,suggest, evaluate, find and exchange new ideas.
We have tried that they are seen either as a single individual or one united group in the classroom.
You can watch a visual report of the play on this page. The photos were taken by Shahrooz Sharifinasab.
We, the Scattered Group
Writer and director:Farideh Shirjian
The second product of Popular Theatre Group (PTG) in “Drama in Education” project

عکسی از نمایش ما همان جمع پراکنده - عکاس:شهروز شریفی نسب.سال 1390 ش