Thu. 29 March : Khatt foundation events at ADIBF 2012

Khatt Foundation Panel, Exhibition and booksignings

—Panel and presentations on Contemporary Arabic Book Design

16:15-17:45. Venue: Capital Suite 19, first floor of the exhibition centre. Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2012.
Within the framework of the Professional Program of ADIBF 2012, the Khatt foundation is offering and moderating a panel discussing the history of Arabic design and typography, current trends and movements.
Speakers include: Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès, John Kortbawi, Yara Khoury-Nammour, Nadine Chahine, Lara Assouad-Khoury.

—Exhibition of Khatt Foundation at the Illustrators' Corner @ ADIBF

28 March — 2 April, 9:00—22:00
Exhibition showcasing a range of Khatt Foundation projects and book designs by young member of the Khatt Foundation online network and students from the American University of Beirut.

—Book signings at ADIBF

—18:00: Book signing by Lara Assouad-Khoury of her award-winning book Tabati at Buzoor: Hall 9 Stand H46
—18:15: Book signing by Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès of the Typographic Matchmaking in the City at CIEL: Hall 12 Stand M17

InnerStructures_Book Cover_detail_SM - هدى سميتسهوزن أبي فارس

—Panel and presentations on Contemporary Arabic Book Design

16:15-17:45. Venue: Capital Suite 19, first floor of the exhibition centre. Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2012.
Within the framework of the Professional Program of ADIBF 2012, the Khatt foundation is offering and moderating a panel discussing the history of Arabic design and typography, current trends and movements.
Speakers include: Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès, John Kortbawi, Yara Khoury-Nammour, Nadine Chahine, Lara Assouad-Khoury.

—Exhibition of Khatt Foundation at the Illustrators' Corner @ ADIBF

28 March — 2 April, 9:00—22:00
Exhibition showcasing a range of Khatt Foundation projects and book designs by young member of the Khatt Foundation online network and students from the American University of Beirut.

—Book signings at ADIBF

—18:00: Book signing by Lara Assouad-Khoury of her award-winning book Tabati at Buzoor: Hall 9 Stand H46
—18:15: Book signing by Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès of the Typographic Matchmaking in the City at CIEL: Hall 12 Stand M17