Unconsciously our behaviour is influenced by imagery. GDFB elaborates on the impact of graphic design on society with interventions, exhibitions, workshops and lectures. The festival reveals secrets of the – often hidden – design process. Together designers and audience explore how imagination helps our transitory society to reconnect the dots. - See more at: http://www.graphicdesignfestival.nl/en/news/gdfb2014-reconnect-the-dots/#sthash.cw5sokPD.dpuf
ReConnecting the Dots
Graphic Design Festival Breda 2014

Schermafbeelding 2014-04-01 om 17_18_46 - © Graphic Design Festival Breda
Unconsciously our behaviour is influenced by imagery. GDFB elaborates on the impact of graphic design on society with interventions, exhibitions, workshops and lectures. The festival reveals secrets of the – often hidden – design process. Together designers and audience explore how imagination helps our transitory society to reconnect the dots.
GDFB takes place in the city centre of Breda. Most interventions and exhibitions can be visited free of charge. For the lectures and workshops you need to buy tickets in advance. Program highlights include:
(@MOTI, Boschstraat 22)
Martijn Engelbregt, Studio Smack, Lucas Pope (US), Ivan & Andy (VS), Jeremyville (US), George Butler (UK), Joran Koster, Occupied Times (UK), Ruben Pater, Eline Turtas (IT), Maral Pourkazemi (IR), Femke Herregraven, Yuri Veerman, Ronny Edry (IL) and others.
Graphic design is more than a matter of pretty or ugly: graphic designers express ideas and influence behaviour. Themes like Revolt, Review and Refresh introduce you to the impact of design influenced by technological and social developments and their counter reactions.
Janna Ullrich (DE), Noortje van Eekelen, Ruben Pater, CLEVER°FRANKE and OnLab (CH), in collaboration with De Correspondent, De Groene Amsterdammer, New Scientist and HP/De Tijd.
Leading designers in the field of data visualization and visual journalism work with journalists to depict current, universal and recognizable subjects. Recently published articles and the associated research form the basis for the design of six large billboards. The result provides an alternative view of complex information, by which the festival responds to the growing interest of the media to visualize news.
(@Park Valkenberg)
Tom Gilmour (UK) en Paul Paetzel (DE)
Valkenberg Park is a known route in and out of town. Here you pass foundations of an old defense tower from the 14th century. The remains inspired us to build a new tower as a gateway to the festival. Both illustrators have visualized the design process and the social context of the festival on the inside and outside of the tower.
(@Reigerstraat 16)
De Indianen (BE)
Would like to push the buttons yourself to design a page for a book? This is possible in the Reigerstraat 16. The Antwerp designers collective ‘the Indians’ has rebuilt the former pressroom of newspaper De Stem into a “Graphic Design-machine” with workstations and a real printing street.
50 international designers
Since the first edition in 2008 we challenge design talent to participate in the Poster Project. This year we received over 2,100 entries from students, established designers and amateurs from 69 countries worldwide. A jury consisting of leading designers selected the 50 winning designs. The posters show how designers deal with social change on a large or small scale.
(@Nieuwe Veste, Molenstraat 6)
Roger Gerards & Erwin Thomasse, De Tosti Fabriek, Femke Herregraven & Marije Meerman, Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken, Dimitri Tokmetzis, Annelys de Vet, Maurizio Montalti, Artur Beifuss, Russel Bestley, Sven Ehmann, Ivor Williams, Steve ESPO Powers, Yuri Veerman, Regine Debatty, Richard Vijgen, Agatha Haines and others to be announced...
A 3-day (22-23-24 April) stream of hot topics by international keynote speakers investigating design skills, attitude and business. Limited tickets available.
(@Stadsgalerij, Oude Vest 34)
A daily program of workshops, performances, meetings, music, documentaries and demonstrations. Supplemented by one-day-expos and a pop-up eatery where you can enjoy some relaxation, good conversations and gain new energy.
Job Wouters, Steve ESPO Powers (VS), Jeff Canham (VS), Mike Perry (VS) en Rutger Termohlen, Collin van der Sluijs & Super A.
Sometimes old murals still remember the heyday of the craft, but actually hand painted type has disappeared from the Dutch streets. Nowadays shop owners choose plastic (sidewalk) advertisments and standard adhesive letters. Likewise the Ginnekenstraat has turned into anonimous shopping street. On the backside several designers work daily creating hand painted murals based on the history and context of the place.
- See more at: http://www.graphicdesignfestival.nl/en/news/gdfb2014-reconnect-the-dots/#sthash.cw5sokPD.dpuf