Re: Client is Queen

> Badr Nazzal:
> There is no need to be bitter. From my experience, the design brief is just a starting point and the end result is often unexpected. There is never a "perfect" result.
> From the few entries I have seen I have other favourites as well, but it wasn't for me to choose. The judges and people at Baraboux certainly had their own reasons for their choices, and there are so many factors that go into these decisions including personal reasons which are none of my concern. And how can one criticize a client's aesthetic taste?
> In any case, what the competition has done is inspire a lot of Arabic typographic creativity and that is a great achievement for khtt.

I see what ur saying Badr, and I know exactly what u r talking about, I'm not blaming khtt, they are trying their best as I mentioned, but this is not the first time, until when here in the middle east the work that get produced will not be chosen based on quality?! until when a lot of great work from great designers will stay in the shadow or buried?! Until when the motivation of Arab designers will remain ONLY self-motivation?!

Some of the shortlisted were even not possible to produce, some other are very strong, they said it took them months to pick those "carefully" how?! I just can't understand how these pieces of work sitting on the same wall at the exhibition which supposed to be a high standard one?!,

If they chose this for reasons, they should at least state them!

Again I'm not surprised since im in the market since years, I didn't mean to be bitter, maybe I was too real.