Image: Mohammad Azzam
Abdurahman Azzam Pasha.JPG
Abdurahman Azzam Pasha secretary Genral of the Arab leag next to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia
Between the Kings.jpg - King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia, Abdurahman Azzam Pasha, and King Farouk
I come from a Royal Nobel Egyptian Pasha Family moved to Saudi Arabia after Jamal Abdulnasser Kicked out our King - King Farouk, my family, and many other Royal families.
I love Egypt, Lebanon, and Art.
Working on helping Lebanon during the 2006 war was the best experience of my life, since then I enjoy so much helping the Lebanese community in Jeddah, and all over the world.
I also like to make friends, and organize Art Exhibitions in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia