60 years after its creation, The Mouse, a children's book told and drawn by the great Lebanese artist Shafic Abboud, sees the day in a French-Arabic bilingual edition, accompanied by a CD of the story with the music of the sublime Imane Homsy on the Qanoun.
La Souris Invite, at Salon du Livre Francophone de Beyrouth
The Mouse, a children's booh launch and Hakawati (storytelling)
60 years after its creation, The Mouse, a children's book told and drawn by the great Lebanese artist Shafic Abboud, sees the day in a French-Arabic bilingual edition, accompanied by a CD of the story with the music of the sublime Imane Homsy on the Qanoun.
Published by Dar Onboz, the book launch with storytelling //Hakawati will take place at the stand of Librairie El Bouj at the Salon du Livre Francophone de Beyrouth on Sunday 2 Nov, 6pm & Saturday 8 November at 5pm.