Exhibition sponsored by the Institut du Monde Arabe
Organisez by Europia productions, Paris
Invited Curator : Prof. Pascal BONAFOUX
Paris - Damascus: Crossed Glances
Group exhibition - Collective book

Paris, Damascus : crossed glances* is a project consisting of an impôrtant group exhibition (with the participation of 59 artists), associated to the publication of the exhibition catalogue and a collective book containing text from 99 Authors living in Damascus or in Paris. This event is based on the impression and inspiration that those artists and writers would have on the other one: In sum, this event is about 2 cross visions: “Damascus seen from Paris” and “Paris seen from Damascus”.
*The concept of the project is proposed by Khaldoun Zreik and its organization is held by Europia Productions (Publisher and art gallery established in Paris.
This exhibition* gathers an important number of artistic monologues; it is a modest temptation to reveal “different” cultural dialogues, than strategic or political ones, between two capitals having cultural and historical bonds remaining timid. In order to give a “real” dimension to this project, we also requested contributions coming from colleagues never were in Damascus or Paris.
44 artists living in Paris, 14 artists living in Damascus, 15 different nationalities
Click here to visit the official website for more information.