
The Swatch Young Il­lus­tra­tors Award

Call for submissions

30 sept 2009

Deadline : September 30th, 2009

The Swatch Young Il­lus­tra­tors Award is a unique com­pe­ti­tion award­ing cre­ativ­i­ty and in­no­va­tion in per­son­al con­tem­po­rary il­lus­tra­tion and graph­ics. The award en­cour­ages and sup­ports de­sign­ers in their artis­tic prac­tice and of­fers an in­ter­na­tion­al and world­wide rec­og­nized plat­form to them. Il­lus­tra­tive art works, art pro­jects with graph­ic in­flu­ences, an­i­ma­tions and book art ob­jects qual­i­fy for sub­mis­sion.

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The nominees of the Swatch Young Illustrators Award will be invited to Berlin and get the opportunity to exhibit their work at Illustrative 2009 in Berlin. The winners await prizes worth 6.000 Euros as well as publications and illustration agency contracts and will also be featured in future international shows. One winner will be invited to design a Swatch Watch – a great opportunity to join the ranks of artists such as Kiki Picasso, Pedro Almodóvar, Robert Altman and Keith Haring.

The nom­i­nees will be award­ed by an in­ter­na­tion­al jury con­sist­ing of lead­ing art di­rec­tors, ex­perts and ed­i­tors of graph­ic and de­sign mag­a­zines.

The call for the Swatch Young Il­lus­tra­tors Award opens in June and con­tin­ues till the end of Septem­ber 2009. An in­ter­na­tion­al jury de­cides in Oc­to­ber about each of the cat­e­go­ry’s win­ners.

With­in the Il­lus­tra­tive fes­ti­val in au­tumn 2009, the Gold­en Awards and fur­ther prizes will be award­ed in a fes­tive cer­e­mo­ny. The short-​list­ed artists will be an­nounced on the Il­lus­tra­tive web­site at www.il­lus­tra­tive.de in the be­gin­ning of Oc­to­ber. A se­lec­tion of works award­ed by the Swatch Young Il­lus­tra­tors Award will be pre­sent­ed at fu­ture Il­lus­tra­tive fes­ti­vals.

For singing up please visit the official site by clicking here: www.illustrative.de/registration/call-2009/