
Collaborative processes in type design

Panel Discussion at the 6th International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication

5 juil 2016
9 juil 2016

On Saturday, 9 July 2016, 16:30—18:00
Laura Meseguer will be participating in a panel discussion on collaborative processes in type design and will discuss her team's experiences in working on the Qandus multi-script type system, and on being part of the larger group of the typographic research project of the Khatt Foundation, Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib 3.0.

Panel participants: Liron Lavi Turkenich, Laura Meseguer, Luisa Baeta, Bianca Berning, Alessia Mazzarella.

For further information about the conference and the program please visit the official site of the conference by clicking here.

Qandus_TriScript_Typeface - Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès

On Saturday, 9 July 2016, 16:30—18:00
Laura Meseguer will be participating in a panel discussion on collaborative processes in type design and will discuss her team's experiences in working on the Qandus multi-script type system, and on being part of the larger group of the typographic research project of the Khatt Foundation, Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib 3.0.

Panel participants: Liron Lavi Turkenich, Laura Meseguer, Luisa Baeta, Bianca Berning, Alessia Mazzarella.

For further information about the conference and the program please visit the official site of the conference by clicking here.