
Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib presented in Warsaw

by Laura Meseguer, on the occasion of opening the 2015 Annual Awards Type Directors Club exhibition.

18 janv 2016

The the Polish–Japanese Academy of Information Technologies in Warsaw had invited Laura Meseguer to give a lecture about her recent projects, on the occasion of opening the 2015 Annual Awards Type Directors Club exhibition.

She will introduce TMMM 3.0 to the audience will do it together with Martin Majoor from Holland (designer at the first Typographic Matchmaking) and Joana Correia from Portugal.

[ http://www.pja.edu.pl/en/aktualnosci/wystawa-najlepszych-prac-typograficznych-tdc2015-awards For more information about the Typoweek in Warsaw please visit the official site of PJA]

TMM3_Warsaw_TDC2015awards - Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès

The the Polish–Japanese Academy of Information Technologies in Warsaw had invited Laura Meseguer to give a lecture about her recent projects, on the occasion of opening the 2015 Annual Awards Type Directors Club exhibition.

She will introduce TMMM 3.0 to the audience will do it together with Martin Majoor from Holland (designer at the first Typographic Matchmaking) and Joana Correia from Portugal.

[ http://www.pja.edu.pl/en/aktualnosci/wystawa-najlepszych-prac-typograficznych-tdc2015-awards For more information about the Typoweek in Warsaw please visit the official site of PJA]