
Typo Cultura Árabe

Arabic Type Culture / ثقافة الخط العربي

29 oct 2015

Lectures at Casa Árabe ‪#‎Madrid‬ & ‪#‎Cordoba‬.
Part of the Brief Festival.

De la caligrafía árabe a la tipografía contemporánea.
Conferencia del diseñador de tipografías Pascal Zoghbi (Beirut).
En inglés con traducción al español

The talk is a journey between traditional Arabic calligraphy and contemporary Arabic typography and type design.

29LT-Casa-Arabe-Poster-02 - Pascal Zoghbi

Classical calligraphy and Islamic art is not lost but re-invented into modern Arabic typographic and design approaches that meets the visual esthetics and trends of the modern Arab world of the 21st century. Specific Arabic letters analysis and showcases of present Arabic type projects will be showcased to visually analyze the typographic influences. What are the possible influences from the past, and what is the future of Arabic typography moving into. What is the role of technology and its effects on Arabic type functionality and aesthetics?