
Logo design competition


1 jan 2010
31 jan 2010

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was launched a design competition for its new emblem (logo).

The design is to reflect the renewed aspiration of the Muslim World of bringing about changes towards the path of moderation and modernization.

Deadline for entries 31 January 2010

click here for downloads and more information

OIC_Arab_Logo.jpg -

The competition will be organized in two phases among the participants from the OIC Member States, with prizes awarded by a panel of judges, referred to as the Jury.


Professional /Private/Graphic designers, Arts and Design academics, senior students working in the field of Art and Design, organizations/institutes working in the field of designing, multidisciplinary teams lead by professional or renowned designers of the OIC Member States.


01. The Emblem should be original, modern, abstract and dynamic;
02. The Emblem should be the symbolic representation of the common denominator that brings the 57 Member States together from different corners of the world under one umbrella i.e. the feeling of Islamic Solidarity;
03. The color(s)/symbol(s)/ used in the Emblem should be vibrant and reflective of Islamic Culture;
04. The Emblem should be functional and easy to use. For instance, from the functional point of view it is not advisable to use the verses from the Holy Quran in the Emblem as the respectful status of Quranic verses limits the use of the Emblem in certain places;
05. The Emblem should reflect the spirit of the two dynamic concepts "moderation" and "modernization" adopted by the leaders of the Muslim World during the historic Makkah Summit in 2005;
06. There is no specific shape preference for the Emblem. As per the opinion of the Jury, the shape that better includes all the criteria defined above would get the preference;
07. All standard technical specifications (CMYK color, jpg format, high resolution etc) required for an international standard Emblem need to be maintained;
08. Entries for the competition can be sent by email to oiclogo@oic-oci.org or in CD mailed to Organization of the Islamic Conference, PO Box- 178, Jeddah - 21411, KSA
09. Participants should attach a detailed CV along with their entries;
10. Participants should agree to be bound by the rules and conditions of the competition as decided by the OIC;
11. The Jury reserves the right to select or discard any design submitted for the competition.
Selection of proposals: In Phase One the Jury will short list a number of proposals on the basis of the merit of the ideas and other criteria. A selected number of participants will then be invited to present their proposals in Phase Two, which will lead to the selection of the winner.


The Jury shall be composed of seven members, one legal adviser and a coordinator of the competition.