
The Jameel Prize Public Programme: Workshop in Damascus

a workshop for emerging Syrian artists and designers to explore the use of traditional creative practices in contemporary art and design, directed by the Designer: Samer Yamani

22 apr 2010
24 apr 2010

During the workshops, participants will have the opportunity to attend demonstrations and training sessions and discussions with artists/curators/experts and crafts people from Syria and the region, as well as meetings with artists whose work is included in the main Jameel Prize exhibition.

The workshop will focus on three main pillars:

1- Crafts, local traditions and techniques

2- Digital Design, 3D modeling and prototyping

3- Marketing and curators contemporary art and Design.

The workshop is directed to:


Painters, Sculptors, Digital Artist, Video art, Installations, ext.


Graphic, Interior, Industrial, fashion, Jewellery, furniture, ext.

The first workshop will span three days, after which participants will have 3 weeks to produce artistic proposals for projects. A final two-day workshop will be held with all participants in order to discuss and critique the results of their work. The Workshop is Held at Mustafa Ali Gallery in Damascus.

These works, or proposals for work, will be exhibited (venue TBC) and entered for a British Council/Rawafed competition: Contemporary Practice and Tradition in Art and Craft. The winner of the competition will win a visit to London to visit the V&A at the time of the next Jameel Prize 2011.

british-coucil-add.jpg - Samer Yamani