
Show Us Your Type : Cairo Edition

SHOW US YOUR TYPE is a typographic posters project about two things: type and cities.

1 jun 2011
23 jun 2011

Submission Deadline: 23 June 2011

A typographic poster competition: a creative platform for designers to share their talents and explore cities from a different perspective.

ncity-cairo -

The only requirement is that the poster contains the name of the city (Cairo).

100 posters will be selected and one 1 poster per person is accepted.


• Format: 396 px x 559 px (vertical format)
• Resolution: 72 dpi RGB
• Optimized in soze for the web (under 200k)
• Name your JPG with your own name, for example: name_lastname_cairo.jpg, or studioname_cairo.jpg

Please save an archive (A3 size of 300 dpi) of your poster in case of future events.
Your submitted images will only be used on the website of SHOW US YOUR TYPE

To participate, please visit the competition website: http://showusyourtype.com/participate.php