
A Silent Cinema: Highlights of Syrian Cinema

8 okt 2009
14 okt 2009

A week-long program of Syrian films, featuring works by renowned film makers such as Hala Alabdallah, Omar Amiralay, Mohammad Malas and Oussama Mohammad as well as some of Syria's emerging young talents like Ammar Al-Beik, Meyar Al-Roumi and Rami Farah.

The program is curated by Charlotte Bank, in collaboration with ArteEast, New York.

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The opening is on the 8th at 8 pm with an introduction by Charlotte Bank followed by a program of short films and videos of the last 8 years.

The following week will offer the opportunity to re/discover some of Syrian cinema's best works by renowned film makers such as Hala Alabdallah, Omar Miralay, Mohammad Malas and Oussama Mohammad as well as works by young emerging talents such as Ammar Al-Beik, Meyar Al-Roumi and Rami Farah.

To access the full program:


Arsenal's website:
