
ArabAd Peace Poster Design Competition

30 jun 2008

Deadline of Submissions is June 30, 2008, 6 pm- Beirut time.

Did you know that the Peace sign turned 50 years on April 4 2008?
50 years in the making and Humanity is still in one big mess!!
If you don’t like the way the world is shaped, here is a chance to design your own. Push the bounds of creativity and make a difference through the inspirational iconic symbol.

Peace Competition Poster.jpg -

The ArabAd Peace Poster Design Contest is intended to be an inspiring and empowering initiative, where a broad cross- section of creative spheres, from the Middle East, are called in, for this one opportunity, to send out a clear PEACE message supporting the Global Tribute for the 50th year of the peace symbol.

Here’s the only rule:

The artwork should include the PEACE sign as a mandatory element of the design.

Terms and Conditions

Eligibility and Participation
1. The contest is open to all designers living, studying, or working in the Middle East.
2. Employees of ArabAd, The Communication Zone, sponsoring companies and contractors of the event are not eligible to participate.
3. Each Participant may enter only five (5) Submissions during the contest period. Any attempt by any Participant to enter more than five (5) by using different identities, registrations or other methods will void all submissions entered by that Participant, at the sole discretion of ArabAd.
4. Participation fee is US $10 for each entry. Payments will be accepted through cheques [made out to ArabAd], or cash deposited at one of ArabAd offices throughout the Middle East.
5. Deadline of Submissions is June 30, 2008, 6 pm- Beirut time.
6. All artwork must be original. Copyright and Plagiarism rules apply. ArabAd is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant.
7. Upon submission, all artwork and all other materials submitted (the "Artwork") shall become the sole property of ArabAd and will not be returned. Contestant hereby irrevocably and perpetually transfers, conveys, assigns and grants to ArabAd the complete ownership of all intellectual property and related rights in and to the Artwork, and any and all derivative
8. By submitting an entry to this contest, the contestant grants ArabAd magazine and every sponsoring company, the rights to freely publish - online or in any other medium participants’ artwork without remuneration. All Entries become the property of ArabAd.

Submission Requirements
9. Only posters with Peace sign are eligible.
10. No restrictions of medium is required (any form of photographic, painting, mixed-media or computerised techniques etc. may be used.)
11. Artwork must be at least 300 dpi in resolution, format Tiff, Jpeg or PDF, CMYK colour mode and be sized appropriately for printing on A2 Poster.
12. Work can be either sent on CD directly to any ArabAd office across the Middle East; or emailed to peace@arabadmag.com
13. All participants should submit their registration form either via email or couriered to ArabAd from 20th May till 20th June 2008.
14. Submission of payment form and fees should be either couriered to ArabAd Beirut or delivered to any ArabAd Rep. Office in the respective market.

Head office Judging
15. A panel of six judges consisting of designers, creative directors and agency owners will conduct the judging based on the listed criteria:
—Overall Creativity and Concept
—Wittiness of communication
—Visual and Message’s impact
—Peace sign embeding and relevancy

Prizes worth US $5,000 UP FOR GRABS
16. One (1) Grand Prize will be awarded and nine (9) Runners Up. The Grand Prize will win US $1000 and gets published in various media across the Middle East; the Second Runner Up US $750; the Third Runner Up $500 US. The other Seven Runner Ups will be awarded gifts of an approximate US $150 in retail value each. Surprises and freebies are awaiting all participants.
17. Sponsors will provide contest winners with prizes, yet to be announced.
18. Entries not complying with the contest rules are subject to disqualification without prior warning.
19. The results will be announced at a massive show event to be held this summer in Beirut.
20. By entering or participating in the Contest, Participant agrees to be bound by these official Terms and Conditions.

For further information:
E-mail: peace@arabadmag.com
Tel: +961-1-204662 - +961-1-201858
Blog: arabadvertising.blogspot.com