
The 10th Teheran International Poster Biennale 2009


22 aug 2009

Deadline for submission of posters August 22, 2009

All posters must be submitted maximum by the end of the working hours on August 22, 2009 to the Permanent Secretariat of the National Visual Arts Biennials at the following address:
No. 17, Shahid Sodooghi Alley, North Karegar Avenue, Tehran, Iran
Phone: +98 (21) 6695 6910 | Website: www.ivabiennial.com

Design-by-Ghobad-Shiva.jpg - Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès

Since poster design in the contemporary Iranian graphics has found a significant and established status in the international scene, the Center for Visual Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in collaboration with the Institute for Development of Visual plans to organize the 10th Tehran International Poster Biennial.

President of the planning commitee: Mahmoud Shalouei
Head of the project and planning commitee: Mohammad Khazaee, Massoud Sepehr, Seyed Hamid Sharifi, Ghobad Shiva, Ali Vazirian, Majid Abbassi, Amrollah Farhadi, Mostafa Goodarzi
President: Ghobad Shiva
Secretary: Mohammad Khazaee
Work Selection Committee: Jalal Shabahangi, Siamak Failizadeh, Ahmmad Gholizadeh, Sedaghat Jabbari, Ali Khorshidpour, Seyed Hamid Sharifi, Seyed Hassan Moossazadeh
The Jury: 2 Iranian jurists and 3 international jurists, whose names will be announced subsequently, will form the panel.

The Notice for the 10th Tehran International Poster Biennial is announced as follows:

The Main Section:
The main section of the 10th Tehran International Poster Biennial consists of posters designed, printed and published after June 2007, which have a cultural and social content. Posters submitted for this section must have been printed by offset or silk screen methods (single copy posters, which have been made on order will not be accepted).

The Thematic Section:
“The Contemporary Man and the Environment”, is the title of the theme which will form the basis of works to be submitted by the contestants.

The Side Events:
-In the Side Events Section of the International Poster Biennial, selected works by three (late) famous international artists (Shigo Fukada, Allen Fletcher and Morteza Momayez) will be exhibited.
-Furthermore, a famous Iranian artist will be honored along with a display of his selected works.
-A number of scientific sessions and a specialized round-table forum are also among programs planned for this Biennial.


1. The posters must not be smaller than 36.4 x 51.5 cm and not larger than 120 x 180 cm.
2. Each participant is allowed to submit a maximum of 3 posters. In case a number of posters are submitted with a single title (as a collection or a series of posters), they shall be considered as a single work.
3. Posters submitted for the main section must have been printed by offset or silk screen, but for the thematic section, the plot of the work is accepted.
4. Given the simultaneous organization of the biennial in one provincial capital, the participants are requested to submit 3 copies of each work.
5. Each poster must bear an individual label completed in clear writing both in Persian and in English and stuck on the back of the poster (top right corner). The details provided will be incorporated in the exhibition’s catalogue.
6. The organizers reserve the right to print and publish the submitted works for the advertisement of the 10th Tehran International Poster Biennial.
7. The submitted posters will not be returned and will be kept in the “Institute for the Development of Visual Arts”.
8. The submitted posters should not be stuck on cardboard or framed.
9. All damages caused by mishandling by post or during transportation will be solely the sender’s responsibility. Damaged posters will not be accepted.
10. The contestants must submit their posters along with the completed form of participation and the digital file of the works. (The files must be on a CD and in MAC or PC format in A4 dimension and at a resolution of 350 dpi, CMYK in Tiff format. In case of deficiencies, the posters will not be accepted).
11. All contestants, whose posters are accepted for display in the 10th Tehran International Poster Biennial, will receive a participation certificate and a copy of the catalogue.
12. The final decision on unforeseen issues will be made by the organizers and the Exhibition’s Secretary.

Prizes of the Main Section:

-First Prize: The Biennial Statuette, Honor Diploma and Rials 60,000,000.
-Second Prize: The Biennial Statuette, Honor Diploma and Rials 40,000,000.
-Third Prize: The Biennial Statuette, Honor Diploma and Rials 20,000,000.
-5 selected posters will also receive a commendation letter and a prize as souvenir.

Prizes of the Thematic Section:

-First Prize: The Biennial Statuette, Honor Diploma and Rials 60,000,000.
-Second Prize: The Biennial Statuette, Honor Diploma and Rials 40,000,000.
-Third Prize: The Biennial Statuette, Honor Diploma and Rials 20,000,000.
-5 selected posters will also receive a commendation letter and a prize as souvenir.

The Jury’s Special Prize:

The Jury will select a poster in the main or thematic sections on the basis of creativity and special interpretation of the artist in design for a special award.