

7th Edition

23 okt 2009
31 okt 2009


International Euro Arab Film Festival- Amal is currently accepting submissions for its VII edition that will be held from the 23rd to the 31st of October 2009, in Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

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This festival born in 2003 and organized by the Araguaney Foundation, is today an important appointment with Arab cinema in Europe, in fact is the unique festival in Spain specialized in Arab cinema and one of three more important at international level.

Following the line of previous editions, AMAL shows films realised in Arabic countries or any other country as long as the thematic is related to the Arab world.

The objective is not other than boosting the dialogue between cultures through one of its more fascinating expressions: Cinema.

Since the first edition of Amal Festival on 2003 the number of submitted works grows every year, in fact last edition the organizers received more than 400 submissions: featured films, short films and documentaries coming from 40 different countries. Araguaney Foundation believes that those numbers will continue growing this year.

Feature films, documentaries or short films by an Arab filmmaker or co-produced with a producer from another country are eligible to be considered for inclusion in the festival. Films that are not produced or co-produced by an Arab filmmaker but which focus on issues related to the Arab world are also eligible for submission.

The jury shall choose three candidates for each of the categories to be awarded and shall hand over the following prizes:

Best long fiction film 5.000€
Best documentary 3.500€
Best short fiction film 1.200€
Best short documentary 1.200€
Best director 4.000€
Best female actor Trophy
Best male actor Trophy

Only one of these prizes can be ex-aequo.
Likewise, the Public’s Award shall also be announced, this will be decided by popular vote, and the prize is as following:

Amal Award from the Public 1.500€