In order to design a Arabic/Persian typeface, one should be aware of the exclusive features of existing calligraphic styles. What are the key qualities of Arabic/Persian writing system?
The quality of the line differs from one style to another; The curves, cuts and thickness of the lines can be observed as the main qualities. By applying these features to a line, the abilities of letter-forms will change regarding their combinations within each word.
The design process of this project demonstrates different approaches to design of the letter-forms and combinations with calligraphic characteristics.
Arabic/Persian Ligatures
Type Design Research Project
In order to design a Arabic/Persian typeface, one should be aware of the exclusive features of existing calligraphic styles. What are the key qualities of Arabic/Persian writing system?
The quality of the line differs from one style to another; The curves, cuts and thickness of the lines can be observed as the main qualities. By applying these features to a line, the abilities of letter-forms will change regarding their combinations within each word.
The design process of this project demonstrates different approaches to design of the letter-forms and combinations with calligraphic characteristics.