Front cover of the book "Arabic is the Natural Language of Computers" - Abdelmalek BOUHADJERA

I have been interested in arabic language since a very young age.

I have been always feeling that arabic is presented in a very old-fashioned and poor packaging.

My technical background allowed me to conduct a scientific study of arabic language with the help of modern machines and computers.
the real breakthrough happened at Basingstoke, England in 1992, when I designed a monumental script (Standerdized Alphabet) for writing arabic with separate letters.The discovery was so important, it has led to many other products, namely, a book called "Arabic is the natural language of computers", a word game called "El-mishkak", an "Alphabet puzzle" aimed for children, a multicultural word-game called "Words-war", and so on...

Recently, I started developing fonts based on standerdised alphabet.

I am now having time to show these products to interested parties, and would love to start new projects in collaboration with Khatt Foundation.

I have been interested in arabic language since a very young age.

I have been always feeling that arabic is presented in a very old-fashioned and poor packaging.

My technical background allowed me to conduct a scientific study of arabic language with the help of modern machines and computers.
the real breakthrough happened at Basingstoke, England in 1992, when I designed a monumental script (Standerdized Alphabet) for writing arabic with separate letters.The discovery was so important, it has led to many other products, namely, a book called "Arabic is the natural language of computers", a word game called "El-mishkak", an "Alphabet puzzle" aimed for children, a multicultural word-game called "Words-war", and so on...

Recently, I started developing fonts based on standerdised alphabet.

I am now having time to show these products to interested parties, and would love to start new projects in collaboration with Khatt Foundation.

Contact information

  • Abdelmalek BOUHADJERA