Image: mehdi naghavi 24 févr 2011
Farhad is a Persian name meaning elation or happiness.
My name is Mehdi Naghavi, and I was born in Iran. I currently reside in Istanbul.
My passion lies in calligraphy and drawing Persian and Arabic words and letters.
My journey began in my twenties when I was a student in a religious school. While learning to read the Quran by heart, I had ample time to explore other books on philosophy and poetry.
Before long, I was immersed in a world of captivating terminology. I started to delve deep into every word's meaning, captivated by its profound significance.
As a designer, I aim to infuse each word, particularly names, with a unique perspective and a special character.
Unlike English, Persian, and Arabic letters are typically connected. It took me years to muster the courage to break free from this convention and write Persian and Arabic words separately, yet still maintain readability and clarity.
Welcome to the world of Words