Book Edo Smitshuijzen

Khatt Items

Customized Typographic Products

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The main objective of the author in creating this publication is to revive the age-old tradition in the Arab and Islamic world of using text on everything that surrounds us, from architecture to objects we use on everyday basis. In times where traditional handcraft is disappearing, a replacement using today’s technologies is urgent. Modern production methods like cnc routing, laser-cutting, and a plethora of different ways to do 3D printing, can easily replace traditional handcraft. Just like with handcraft, these production methods allow for creating small limited editions or even one-offs.

The author undertook extensive research and tried to design as many examples as possible to show the various options of these new technologies. Creating text no longer is the exclusive territory of calligraphers, the recent availability of high quality Arabic type designs can be employed as well. The author also wanted to cover a large variety of objects. The result is 722 pages showing over a thousand examples of products in a plethora of colors, materials and designs.


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Khatt Items, Customized Typographic Products

Author: Edo Smitshuijzen
Publisher: Khatt Books, Amsterdam 2022
ISBN: 978-94-90939-25-0
Edition: 722 p, illustr, colour, 15 x 21 cm, Hardcover, English with introduction in Arabic
Price: 85,00